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HIA is helping for the victims of the floodings in Western Ukraine

Hungarian Interchurch Aid is helping by distributing food and hygiene packages for the victims of the floodings in Western Ukraine. Heavy rainings hit five counties of Ukraine in June which made tenthousands of houses unliveable, roads got damaged and bridges were destroyed. The Hungary Helps Agency offered 10 million HUF as a support and HIA applied it to create emergency packages and deliever them to the harmed locals.

The packages contained several kilograms of food and hygiene products and they were wrapped by the colleagues of HIA’s local office. The delivery of the 1100 packages started on 13th August in Ivano-Frankivsk and continued on the following days in Chernivtsi. The distribution is accomplished by HIA’s local office, its partner the MGC „Etalon” and the co-workers of the involved municipalities.

The consequences of the coronavirus pandemic has reached many people in an already difficult situation but the recent floodings resulted even desperate conditions. Under these circumstances it is extremely important that HIA managed to coordinate a project within 1100 families received help.