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Distributing food baskets and winter fuel in Transcarpathia and Transylvania

Within its Advent season projects, Hungarian Interchuch Aid provided help for people in need living in the neighbouring countries.

HIA Hungary is distributing food baskets for 581 disadvantaged people living in Transcarpathia; to 50 families whose children regularly visits the development programmes provided by our office in Berehove city. The baskets contains basic foodstuffs like wheat flour, cooking oil, sugar, rice and canned vegetables. As Christmas is approaching, the baskets hides chocolate, gummies and other sweets for the children. We are also providing winter fuel for families and elder people living alone: altogether 185 households receives this type of help which is much needed in the cold weather.

In Mures County, Transcarpathia we provided help to the institutions of Lazarenum Foundation and to  orphans, elder people and families. The food baskets we handed out contained cooking oil, pasta, flour, sugar, lentil, jam, paprika and fruits. Thinking of the children, chocolate and gummies could be found in the baskets. To be able to properly sanitize the institutions, hygiene kits were also handed out. Thanks to the aid, 170 families in need can celebrate this time of the year under better circumstances.