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Emergency flood response in Sudan

With the support of the Hungary Helps Agency, Hungarian Interchurch Aid in cooperation with Norwegian Church Aid implemented an emergency flood response in Sudan in the value of 10 million HUF. Many people died, thousands of houses were destroyed and more than a hundred thousand homes became uninhabitable when the Nile River started to flood after weeks of heavy rainings at the beginning of this Autumn. As a response to the crisis HIA distributed aid pacakges to vulnerable families in Khartoum.

Within the project 300 NFI baskets and dignity kits were distributed to about 1050 beneficiaries. Among other things they contained sanitary kits and items like blankets, floor mats and sandals. Balázs Elek, Consul, representing the Office in Khartoum of the Embassy of Hungary in Cairo, personally joined the distribution.

The aim of the emergency response was to provide basic supplies to the families who became homeless and lost everything they had in the floods.