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Extreme heatwave, power blackout, water shortage

Hungarian Interchurch Aid started to distribute water in and around Erbil, Iraq, as extraordinary heatwave hits the Middle East. Record high temperature was measured in Baghdad when it reached 52 Celsius and the temperature in Erbil was around 49°C recently.

In the tough situation HIA signed up to help with water distribution because many families in need remained without drinking water. The plan is to provide water for about 300 families by taking several rounds with a 17 000 litre water tank lorry after several refills. By filling up the water tanks on the top of homes the whole household is provided with water – which is the only way how cooling systems can work as well.

The circumstances are difficult since the national energy grid failed, power blackouts following each other and in the same time the number of registered coronavirus cases is still rising which might lead to upcoming lockdowns.