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HIA has opened a humanitarian office in Lemberg

According to the experience of the Hungarian humanitarian expert, the movement in the city is huge, most of the refugees are in transit from the eastern part of the country, and are mostly heading towards the Polish border. The cohesion is huge, there are a lot of volunteers, many of whom have been recruited to the Hungarian team. Interchurch Aid has also opened a humanitarian office in the city center, which has been coordinating an international aid program with member organizations of ACT Alliance working in the region for decades.

In the meantime as it is well known Hungarian Interchurch Aid is constantly providing an information point that helps on both sides of the Hungarian-Ukrainian border, in the settlements of Asztély and Barabás. It has set up accommodation in its institutions in Debrecen, Miskolc and Budapest, as well as delivered donations of several trucks of food and hygiene items to the border to support refugee families running from the war in the border region.