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Medical ventilators delivered to Mariupol, Ukraine

The Hungarian Government’s donation that contained 50 medical ventilators for Ukrainian hospitals started its way from Berehove at the end of January. In the last 1,5 weeks HIA’s colleagues travelled with the supply, joined personally and managed each handover.
On 4th February the life saving devices arrived to Mariupol, the furthest point of Ukraine and the closest town to the armed conflict in Eastern-Ukraine. Although, the strong snowings and freezing cold often created tough circumstances, HIA’s colleagues has been implementing a successful programme in which 46 Ukrainian hospitals receives help in Dnyipropetrovszk, Doneck, Zaporizzsja, Ternopil, Hmelnickij, Lviv, Harkiv, Herszon, Rivne and Ivano-Frankivszk governorates. Before choosing the institutions, HIA has several and long discussions with the leading health authorities and with the hospitals so the medical ventilators goes to the most appropriate places where they are most needed.