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Providing educational equipment for 6 schools in Iraq

HIA has provided equipment for six schools in Hatara, Iraq with the support of Polish Aid. The donation contained assets that both students and teachers can benefit from, such as laptops and printers besides many others. The aim of this project is to rehabilitate the required infrastructure for teaching and studying and to raise the quality of education. Within this project, HIA managed to improve the educational conditions and circumstances of 2000 students.

Supporting the education in Iraq is familiar to HIA, as the NGO has rebuilt five schools between 2019 and 2020 – one of them is involved in this recent project as well – and it has provided basic school-, and sports equipment this year. By handing out educational assets, children can have a place where they can focus on studying and evolve with their mates.

This activity is only one of the three that are supported by Polish Aid and implemented by HIA. Within the cooperation, an orphanage will receive support and water-management development is also going to be implemented.