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State Secretary for the Hungary Helps Program visits Iraq

Hungarian Interchurch Aid has implemented several huminatarian and development programmes in Iraq since 2016. Our assistance in the country is aiming to support the homecoming and settlement of internally displaced families. As a strategic partner of many international and national bodies we implement our projects with the support of different donors – often with the support of the Hungary Helps Program and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Hungary. Recently, Tristan Azbej State Secretary for the Aid of Persecuted Christians and the Hungary Helps Program travelled to Iraq and accompanied by HIA colleagues visited a site of a joint project.

With the support of the Hungary Helps Program HIA is working on the establishment of a bakery near the Khanke camp for IDPs and offering a baker course for yezidi women living in the camp. The aim of the project is to support the integration of yezidi women by trainings and job creation. Until the construction of the building is in process, 96 women could start the training: they learn mathematics, participating in financial- and business courses and gaining baking skills. With this new knowledge they plan to work in the bakery in the future.

At the meeting with the State Secretary, the camp management emphasized how important HIA’s programmes that focusing on job creation since this is the only chance for the women living in the camp to get a job later and financially support their families. The delegation got an inside view of the camp’s everyday life and even visited one of the households. HIA colleagues and the local partner, Free Yezidi Foundation showed the delegation around on the spot of the bakery and where the trainings take place. Tristan Azbej, State Secretary said that the aim of the Hungarian support is to give assistance to the minority communities to remain in place.