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Successful healthcare aid project on Nineveh Plains

With its permanent representation in Erbil, Hungarian Interchurch Aid has accomplished many humanitarian programmes in Iraq. Reacting to the coronavirus pandemic, representatives of HIA Iraq managed a successful healthcare aid project on Nineveh Plains on 26 April 2020.

Two hospitals which play important roles in the fight against coronavirus contacted HIA and as a reaction to this call it started to gather healthcare tools followed by handing them out. HIA provided each hospital with about 5 000 face masks, 10 000 pairs of latex gloves, 2 000 isolation gowns, 100 litres of hand sanitizer concentrate, 50 oxygen masks, oxygen regulators, laryngoscope sets and infrafred thermometers.

Serious lockdown restrictions apply to the area, so Hungarian Interchurch Aid had to closely cooperate with the local government to get and to deliver the equipments to the hospitals. One of them is Hamdaniya Hospital, which already had a previous and successful cooperation with HIA.

The delivery of the lifesaving donation happened between the border of the federal territory of Iraq and the border of the Kurdistan Region. The leading of the Hadmaniya Hospital took over the hundreds of boxes of equipments and took responsibility to pass the donation to the hospital in Mosul as well.

The 5 000 000 HUF cost aid programme was implemented within the framework of a project supported by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Hungary aiming to support the reintegration of IDP’s and assist the stay of locals in Iraq, and within the framework of the “Hungary Helps” initiative.

The Hungarian Interchurch Aid finds it extremely important to continue its national and international work and maintain its aid programmes when they are needed the most.